“I Can Get You On Page One Of Google”


Have you gotten an email or phone call from a company promising to get you on page one of Google? Did you believe them? I hope not! No one, I repeat, NO ONE can PROMISE to get you on page one of Google by the rules, and the rules change all the time! If you fall for it, yes, they may be able to get you on the first page, but not for long. Once Google finds out what they did, and Google will, your website could be blacklisted forever! Meaning your website will not be found in a Google search ever again. Think of the time and money wasted on all the effort you put into that wonderful website.

We at Web Designs Your Way are all about educating people, along with making amazing websites of course. We never want you to feel pressured or not understand what is going on. Even if you are not our customer and just don’t believe what you see or hear about websites, SEO, Content Writing, basically anything website related, please reach out to us. We like sleeping at night because we know what we are doing is ethical to the core. we are a very transparent company.

Thank you for reading and we look forward to any questions you may have. www.webdesignsyourway.net